About Us

The Waldoboro Police Department provides 24-hour police services to the businesses and residents of the Town of Waldoboro. These services are provided with a staff which consists of a Police Chief, a Sergeant, five full-time officers, a School Resource Officer, a Shellfish Warden and three reserve officers.

Mission Statement

++** Waldoboro Police Mission Statement**++

As members of the Waldoboro Police Department our mission is to provide a professional community-oriented police service. We are committed to creating and maintaining an active community partnership and assisting citizens in identifying and solving problems to improve the quality of life in our community. We are dedicated to protecting life, property, and maintaining order while assuring fair and equal treatment to everyone.


Name: Waldoboro Police Dept
Address: PO Box J, , Waldoboro, ME, 04572
Contact: Chief John F. Lash
Email: chieflash@waldoboromaine.org
Phone: 207-832-4500


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