About Us

The Maine Municipal Association (MMA) is a voluntary membership organization offering an array of professional services to municipalities and other local governmental entities in Maine. MMA is a non-profit, non-partisan organization governed by an Executive Committee elected from its member municipalities. Founded in 1936, MMA is one of 49 state municipal leagues that, together with the National League of Cities, are recognized at all governmental levels for providing valuable services and advocating for collective municipal interests.

The Maine Municipal Association has a core belief that local government is a fundamental component of a democratic system of government. MMA is dedicated to assisting local governments, and the people who serve in local government, in meeting the needs of their citizens and serving as responsible partners in the intergovernmental system.

MMA’s services include advocacy, education and information, professional legal and personnel advisory services, and group insurance self-funded programs.

Mission Statement

Our Mission: Serving the needs of local governments throughout Maine and advocating their common interests at the state and national level.

Our Vision: Local government is the keystone of democracy. MMA exists to assist in meeting the needs of Maine citizens and serving as responsible partners in Maine’s intergovernmental system.

MMA values: Cooperation, collaboration and inclusive decision-making, teamwork, reasonable risk-taking, leadership, customer-service, results-oriented work atmosphere, high achievement, ethical standards, cost effectiveness & accountability. We especially value the elected officials, employees, volunteers and MMA staff.

"Strengthening Maine’s Local Governments Through Member Services, Education and Advocacy"


Name: Maine Municipal Association - Augusta, ME
Address: 60 Community Dr, , Augusta, ME, 04330
Contact: Human Resources
Email: HumanResource@memun.org
Phone: 207-623-8428
Fax: 207-624-0118


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