About Us

Maine Audubon is the state’s oldest and largest wildlife conservation organization.

Since 1843, we have been connecting people to nature through a science-based approach to conservation, education, and advocacy. The largest Maine-based wildlife conservation organization, Maine Audubon has eight wildlife sanctuaries, 10,000 members, 2,000 volunteers, and serves over 50,000 people annually.

Our approach to helping the people of Maine become more informed, effective stewards of the state’s wildlife and habitat focuses on three primary areas:

  • Conservation
  • Environmental Education
  • Policy & Advocacy

Just as biodiversity strengthens natural systems, the diversity of human experience strengthens conservation efforts for the benefit of nature and all human beings. 

Maine Audubon is committed to embracing human diversity in all the communities where we work. We are dedicated to increasing the diversity of our staff, board, volunteers, members, and supporters and “bringing nature home” to all people and all communities.

Equity, diversity and inclusion matter to Maine Audubon because the contributions, experiences, perspectives, and values of diverse individuals and communities make conservation efforts stronger. Maine Audubon aims to expand our network’s reach and engage more people in our mission.

We respect and value the individuality of each member of our community, and we are committed in all we do to freedom from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, national or ethnic origin, politics, or veteran status.

Respect, inclusion, and opportunity for all people assures a healthier, more vibrant future for all of us who share our planet.

"Maine Audubon works to conserve Maine’s wildlife and wildlife habitat by engaging people in education, conservation, and action."


Name: Maine Audubon
Address: 20 Gilsland Farm Road, , Falmouth, ME,