About Us

Legal Services for Maine Elders began serving clients in 1974 and now has offices in five locations, Augusta, Bangor, Lewiston, Presque Isle and Scarborough.

LSE provides persons age 60 and over with free legal advice regarding health care, health insurance, Medicare (including Part D), MaineCare (Medicaid), Social Security and other public benefits, pension and retirement benefits, powers of attorney, consumer matters including creditor and bankruptcy problems, physical and financial abuse, guardianship defense and other issues.

Clients call the LSE toll-free number, 1-800-750-5353, and talk with a Helpline attorney about their problems. If the Helpline attorney is unable to resolve a client's problem, the client then is referred to a staff attorney at the LSE office which is situated closest to the client's town for extended representation.

LSE is a not-for-profit organization and its funders include state and federal agencies, the Maine Area Agencies on Aging, the Maine Civil Legal Services Fund, the Maine Bar Foundation IOLTA Fund and Campaign for Justice, United Way of Greater Portland, Kennebec Valley United Way, Androscoggin United Way, York County United Way, the Muskie Dinner, and many private individuals.


Name: Legal Services for Maine Elders
Address: 5 WABON ST, , Augusta, ME, 04330
Contact: Michelle Lachapelle
Email: mlachapelle@mainelse.org
Phone: 207-621-3100
Fax: 207-209-1376


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