Employment Starts Here.

Whether you’re looking for a job, or you have a job to fill, we can help. We have been hyperlocal since 1999.

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Save your searches, manage your resumes and applications, all in one place.

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Post a single job for, distributed to 50+ affiliated job sites. The fastest way to get maximum exposure for your job.


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Post Jobs

We’ll walk you through all the steps and help you get your job posted today!

One platform, everything you need to manage jobs

Job Search

Search for jobs where you live and work. Save those searches and have the results sent to your inbox. Filter your search by desired travel amount, or type of employment such as full-time, part-time or contract work.


Save one resume, or several so you are always ready to apply for the perfect job when it comes around. If you don’t have one, our resume builder will walk you through the process. Save your resume into our database so employers can come find you!


If you just need people and don’t require a resume, use Quick Apply to get a name, email and phone number of interested job seekers. Quick and easy!


A reserved spot for your job postings. Rotate jobs in and out of each slot as needed. Buy multiple slots if you have the need to fill several jobs at once. Available in 30-day, 90-day, or annual packages.


Search the resume database to find job seekers who may not have seen your job posting. Invite them to apply, or ask for an interview.


Keep track of the job seekers who have applied for your jobs. Maybe they aren’t right for one job, but they are perfect for another. Build your own talent network and pipeline!

Get Started Today

Jobs In the US is built for everyone looking for a new job, or candidates for a job. Find out today how we can make your recruiting process faster and more collaborative.