14 Personal Finance Blogs For Young Professionals


Managing personal finances can be daunting. Young professionals, in particular, may be overwhelmed at the prospect. Pressures such as school loans, rent, and job status can force a young person to place saving and investing on the back burner while they try to eke out a living. It is vitally important, however, that young people start the saving process early to create a solid financial foundation for their future and, ultimately, retirement. There are myriad options available to save faithfully and invest wisely. Here are 14 personal finance blogs for young professionals that offer advice and tips to start on the road to financial security.

  1. Broke Millennial

Specifically geared toward young people, Broke Millennial provides resources and information on the financial aspects that professionals in their 20s can use—debt repayment, sharing finances with a partner, and how to start building wealth.

  1. Millennial Personal Finance

Podcasts, blog posts, webinars, books—Millennial Personal Finance offers a wealth of resources in a variety of media to thoroughly prepare young professionals for financial success. There are several posts specifically addressing how to reduce debt and live a more financially responsible lifestyle.

  1. Gen Y Planning

Money management is not only about saving and investing, it’s also about your choices and goals. Gen Y Planning offers tips and advice on all aspects of your lifestyle that may affect your financial footing. There are resources for job hunting, networking, whether to buy or rent, and how to manage your money as you advance through your career.

  1. Young Finances

Young professionals can get solid information here about budgeting effectively, using credit cards smartly, and navigating the tax landscape. But life is not only about finances! Young Finances offers great tips about traveling frugally, using credit card points to your advantage, and other life hacks, such as DIY Halloween costumes.

  1. Rockstar Finance

As the name implies, Rockstar Finance seeks to give young professionals the tools to rock their financial lives and careers. You can learn what you need to do to achieve early retirement, as well as how to find treasure among trash, live minimally, hustle effectively, and, ultimately, build wealth.

  1. Budgets Are Sexy

Discussing money management may cause droopy eyelids among many of us. Budgets Are Sexy provides a lively approach to achieving financial security. There are resources for banking, investing, and saving money, but also advice on what to do if you get fired, outlining myths about credit, and how to live 50% of your income—all delivered in blogger J. Money’s exuberant style.

  1. Frugal Rules

Freedom through Frugality. That’s the tagline of this site that offers information on attacking debt, adjusting your lifestyle to conserve money, as well as the best credit cards and online brokerage firms to use.

  1. Making Sense of Cents

The primary goal of financial security is living the kind of life we want. Making Sense of Cents provides resources on budgeting, minimalism, and earning extra income, as well as lifestyle posts, such as how feasible it would be to live in an RV full time.

  1. Get Rich Slowly

In addition to socking away part of your earnings every month, there are a variety of ways you can save money. Get Rich Slowly offers advice and resources on smartly buying cars and houses, self employment, as well as which American cities on the rise that allow you to live more inexpensively.

  1. Young Adult Money

Ditching cable, keeping wedding costs down, making money blogging—Young Adult Money discusses money-making and money-saving tips that are most relevant to young professionals.

  1. Thousandaire

Young professionals are busy people. Hustling and advancing their careers while also making time for friends and fun. Thousandaire provides easily accessible, quick-hit resources to manage your money. The Toolkit offers links to get a free credit score, invest for free, and budget easily. You also get a relevant dose of politics, with articles on how the day’s events might affect the economy and, therefore, your wallet.

  1. Punch Debt in the Face

Effectively summing up what most recent (and not so recent) graduates would like to do, Punch Debt in the Face is primarily the funny, personal stories of “Ninja” and “Girl Ninja” as they deal with paying down debt while also building wealth for their family. Stick figures abound.

  1. Frugal Beautiful

Living beautifully, but not unwisely, is the philosophy behind Frugal Beautiful. The site offers great resources on health and fitness, travel and fashion, and maintaining overall wellness, all while effectively managing your money.

  1. The College Investor

It’s never too early to start thinking about your financial security. Geared towards current students and recent graduates, The College Investor provides information on overcoming student loan debt, beginning to invest, and earning additional income.

It may appear overwhelming to manage your money amid all the other pressures in your life. However, these blogs show that financial security does not need to be complex or intimidating. You can do things right now to put yourself in a better financial position and be well on your way to a more financially secure future.


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