10 Creative Out Of Office Message Examples for Millennials


Spending time out of the office for any reason is usually a blessing as it gets you out of the same location, same boring routine, and gives you something different to do. It can also mean having some extra time off during a vacation or holiday period. Either way, the professional thing to do is set up your work e-mail account with an automatic out of office message to notify anyone trying to contact you that you are away and cannot respond immediately. However, these messages don’t have to be boring. Millennials can get creative with these out of office messages and let their personalities shine through.

When writing a creative out of office message, keep in mind who will see it. it can range from your boss to those working under you, business partners and new clients. You don’t want your message to come across as unprofessional so finding a nice balance of work and play is the key here. If you use Gmail at work, you also have the option of having a specific message message going to specific people. This gives you the option of being more casual with some employees and allowing some e-mails to get through.

The four out of office message examples below each address unique approaches to a standardized away message. There are plenty more out there, so we encourage you to explore your creativity to design the out of office message that is right for you and your particular situation.

Here are four out of office message examples to get you started.

In a Meeting-Superheroes:

Thank you for your e-mail, but I’m unable to respond at this time as I have been summoned to a super secret meeting with the Justice League/Avengers. The evil (competitor’s name) has hatched a plot to invade (your location) and they must be stopped! Fear not! Your e-mails shall be answered upon my return.

In a Meeting (for daily meetings)-“Pinky and the Brain”:

I’m currently at our (morning/afternoon) meeting right now and will answer your e-mail when I get back. You may be wondering what our daily meetings are about. Well, here’s a brief summary to appease your curiosity:

(coworker): What are we going to do today?

(boss): The same thing we try to do every day. Try and take over the world!

Work Conference- Barney Stinson (“How I Met Your Mother”):

Hello. I cannot answer your e-mail right now because I’m out being awesome and learning how to be even more awesome at the (name of conference). When I return, expect to amazed by my awesomeness and my awesome reply to your e-mail.

Work Conference- A Gathering:

I’m not available to answer your e-mail as I’m stuck in an alternate reality where there are others like me working in companies similar to mine all in the same place. It’s a strange gathering of some sort called a “conference.” If I return, I’ll answer your e-mails then. If I survive.

On Vacation- 911:

I am currently on vacation from (date) until (date) and will be unable to answer e-mails or check my voicemail. In case of an emergency, call 911.

On Vacation- Photograph:

Thank you for your e-mail, but I won’t be able to answer for a few days as I’m spending some rare time away on an exotic vacation. Unfortunately, I’m unable to bring you with me, so until I return, please enjoy this picture of my vacation destination. (Include a picture of a beach, ski slopes, etc)

On Vacation- Rare Vacation:

This may come as a shock, but I am actually not at my desk today and won’t be for several days. I have recently discovered this new thing called “a vacation” and decided to try it out for myself. Apparently, people take these vacations all the time. While you recover from the shock that I am not there, rest assured that I will return and will reply to your message then.

Holiday Period- December Holidays:

Thank you for the gift of your message, but you will have to wait until the holiday period is over to receive my gift in return. It’s going to be a good one, too! Happy Holidays!

Holiday Period- One-day holidays:

I am out of the office today due to the holiday. Unfortunately, I return to my desk tomorrow.

Holiday Period- Shopping:

I am out of the office due to my inability to get my holiday shopping done on time. If you would like to help me in this endeavor, please let me know!

Again, the types of messages you leave will depend on your profession and the relationship you have with your workers and clients. Keep it professional, but also have fun with it. Who said work had to be boring?


About Author

Kristina is a freelance writer and marketer who also has experience in human resources, customer service, and sales.

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