So You Have a Marketing Degree…You Might Want to Move to One of These Cities


When the recession first hit the United States, the companies that put more money into advertising were more likely to survive the coming economical storm. Corporations understand that marketing is important for their business to survive, and now it’s a growing market. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 216,000 marketing jobs in the United States as of 2012. [1] The number of jobs in this field is projected to increase by 12% between 2012 and 2022.

As more marketing positions open up, the potential earnings have increased greatly in the last few years. In 2004, the average marketing manager salary was under $108,000. [2] By 2012, the mean salary increased to over $129,000. Many college students have recently graduated and are looking for work in the marketing field. Now fresh grads are out in the real world and are trying to figure out where to go, now that they have their marketing degrees.

It’s important to look for work in a city that offers a large number of marketing jobs at a reasonable wage. This can be a difficult choice to make with the variety of options available. Companies like Forbes and the Bureau of Labor Statistics have compiled data on marketing job statistics in some of the biggest cities in the United States. [3] In which cities should you start your marketing job hunt?

San Jose, California

Current employed positions: 6,820

Average salary: $187,890


New York City, New York

Current job openings: 1,881 [4]

Average salary: $179,760


San Francisco, California

Current job openings: 996

Average salary: $179,720


Los Angeles, California  

Current job openings: 404

Average salary: $143,460


Seattle, Washington

Current job openings: 450

Average salary: $141,580


Minneapolis, Minnesota

Employment rate: 2.8 times the national marketing employment rate. [5]

Average salary: $131,980


Chicago, Illinois

Current Job openings: 547

Average salary: $123,380


Washington D.C.

Current job openings: 269

Average salary: $155,450


Boston, Massachusetts

Current job openings: 371

Average salary: $140,270


Atlanta, Georgia

Current employed positions: 4,460

Average salary: $136,610









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