Top 10 Career Options for Science Students


When it came to making a list of the top career choices for science students, it was hard to do all the disciplines justice. Fields like Biology, Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Climate Change all have career options that are experiencing explosive growth. Here are our picks for the top career options for science students.

10. Biochemist

Median Salary: $89,940

Projected Growth: 20% through 2022

With a median salary just under $90K and a growth rate 14% higher than the average, becoming a biochemist is a safe option for science students.

The reason that this career path isn’t higher on the list is that it requires a specific Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry. The good news is you can still make that switch if you’re a Sophomore or Junior.

9. Science Teacher (Chemistry/biology/physics)

Median Salary: $56,310

Projected Growth: 6% through 2022

This projected growth rate doesn’t do the demand for quality science teachers justice. Becoming a teacher gives you perks like summers, weekends, and holidays off. It also forces you to keep current in your field, which helps you sustain interest when you get that three-year itch.

Teaching is a great option for those who love to talk. This is the career path for the extroverted science student.

8. Climate Change Analyst

Median Salary: $66,250

Projected Growth: 20% through 2022

Climate change has been a hot-button topic for a decade and it is sure to be a focal point of the 2016 presidential election. It only makes sense then that climate change analysts are in such high demand.

This is a great career choice for science students who need to feel like their work is making a positive impact on society.

7. Geographer

Median Salary: $76,420

Projected Growth: 21% through 2022

A geographer is one of those vague career titles. What was the first thing that popped in your mind? Probably something about maps.

The reality is a geographer’s work is much more fascinating. They study man’s relationship with the earth, which is vital for both urban and agricultural planning.

With population set to grow through 2022 and our resources set to decrease, it’s no surprise that this career path sports one of the highest growth rates on this list of top career choices for science students.

6. Soil Scientist

Median Salary: $59,920

Projected Growth: 13% through 2022

This job sounds boring, but it actually plays a huge role when it comes to agriculture. Soil science is also essential when it comes to constructing buildings.

Soil scientists are unsung heroes of these industries, which make it another great choice for those who want to be difference-makers.

5. Meteorologist

Median Salary: $87,980

Projected Growth: 13% through 2022

Ever dream of being a weatherperson on TV? Then you’ve dreamed of being a meteorologist. But being a weatherperson is just a small sliver of the possibilities open to Meteorologists.

4. Biomedical Engineer

Median Salary: $86,950

Projected Growth: 21%  through 2022

Becoming a biomedical engineer is a great option for the science student who also has an interest in medicine. Much of the cutting-edge technology used in hospitals today would not be possible without biomedical engineers. It’s a big reason why it’s set to grow at a rate 15% above average through 2022.

3. Environmental Scientist

Average Salary:$66,250

Projected Growth: 20% through 2022

Much like the climate change analysts, today’s environmental scientists are constantly working to understand the environment and man’s relationship to nature’s eco-systems. This is a great career path for science students with a desire to impact governmental policy regarding the environment.

2. Energy Engineer

Median Salary: $94,240

Projected Growth: 6% through 2022

Energy engineer is a career that offers high job satisfaction. Your main focus is helping people or companies save money on their energy costs by designing more efficient alternatives. It also helps that more than half of all energy engineers make $94,000 a year.

1. Sustainability Specialist

Median Salary: $67,280

Average Growth: 13% through 2022

Number one on this list of top career options for science students is the sustainability specialist. It doesn’t have the highest median salary or growth rate on this list, but it has an intangible importance to the future success of mankind that propels it to the top. The survival of civilization literally depends on sustainability specialists- how’s that for a career that makes an impact?


About Author

Amanda Mester has been writing professionally for a decade, focusing mostly on music journalism. Also a former college professor, Ms. Mester currently writes for esteemed Hip-Hop and lifestyle outlet Ambrosia for Heads and is hoping to finish her first book soon. She is also Ploymint's Assistant Editor in Chief. Find her on Twitter @CanEye_KickIt

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