4 Career Tips for Millennial Lawyers


According to this article from Bloomberg, America has a surplus of lawyers. Going to law school no longer comes with a guarantee of a high-paying job at a big firm. The article states law-school admissions for 2014 were the lowest they’ve been since 1973. If you want to break into law today, you need to make sure you’re part of the cream of the crop. Check out these 5 career tips for Millennial Lawyers.

Be Humble

You should absolutely feel great about achieving your dream of becoming a lawyer, but it should never show too much in the courtroom. In this interview with Judge Lynne Stewart, she says one of the most important qualities for a young lawyer to have is humility.

This means treating all court officers and staff, not just the judge, with a high level of respect. This is especially important for your first case. It is somewhat of a tradition for experienced judges to give a young lawyer a little razzing, and it’s important to handle this with grace. A little humility goes a long way in earning the respect of someone your senior.

Be an Expert at Preparation

Adopt “It’s better to be over-prepared than under-prepared” as your mantra. One of the best qualities a millennial lawyer can have is a dedication to preparation. A lawyer with decades of experience may be able to get away with less preparation, but a young lawyer doesn’t have this luxury.

Failure to prepare will make older colleagues, as well as judges, assume you posses youthful arrogance. The last thing you want is a reputation for being arrogant. Utilize your research skills you picked up in college and strive to impress your bosses with your extensive case preparation.

Understand How to Communicate

Millennials are masters of digital communication, but these skills don’t help much in the courtroom. Face-to-face communication revolves around much more than your words. How you dress, the tone of your voice, and your facial expressions all play a role in how your message is interpreted.

Make sure you always look well-kept, but never dress or act too flashy. The cliche “speak softly but carry a big stick” is sound advice for a Millennial Lawyer. Use voice inflection as a tool of persuasion, and keep your emotional reactions at a professional level.

Spend time practicing speeches in the mirror in a slow and calm fashion. It will make you seem intelligent and convincing to anyone who hears your argument.

Blog About Law

If you are still looking for your first law job, then a good way to make yourself more attractive to potential employers is to use Social Media. LinkedIn is a great tool for networking, but what can really make you stand out is starting a blog.

Today’s employers are performing Google searches on candidates. If a potential employer searches your name and a blog on law pops up, you’re almost guaranteed an interview. (If the blog is any good that is!)

Luckily, if you made it through law school, then blogging is simple. All you have to do is write articles that show you know what you’re talking about. Well-researched articles on hot topics in law look good, and you can potentially build relationships with future clients who come across your blog looking for a lawyer.

Are you a lawyer that has some advice for Millennials looking to get into law? We’d love to hear from you.



About Author

Amanda Mester has been writing professionally for a decade, focusing mostly on music journalism. Also a former college professor, Ms. Mester currently writes for esteemed Hip-Hop and lifestyle outlet Ambrosia for Heads and is hoping to finish her first book soon. She is also Ploymint's Assistant Editor in Chief. Find her on Twitter @CanEye_KickIt

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